  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


Loyola Maryland - Notre Dame of Maryland University

Page history last edited by Joanne 11 years, 3 months ago

Loyola Maryland/Notre Dame of Maryland VR Information


The library is shared by the two schools equally. 





Library Home Page





Reference email/webform for referrals: askemail@loyola.edu  

Reference: 410-617-6802

Circulation: 410-617-6801

All service points: http://www.loyola.edu/library/staff.htm





SHARC The Shared Access Catalog is a consortium catalog that contains records for the Loyola Notre Dame Library as well as 4 other libraries - Hood College, Mount St. Mary’s University, Washington Adventist University and Stevenson University. To obtain books from the other colleges, students must click on 'Make a Request' at the upper right of the item record page and fill in their library barcode and last name. It can be sent to Columbia or Timonium centers, for Notre Dame off Campus Centers, please have the student contact the reference desk at askemail@loyola.edu

BALC Libraries
Students have borrowing privileges at Baltimore Academic Libraries Consortium (BALC) libraries. The list of libraries is represented by most of the starred libraries on our "other maryland libraries" page. 




Subject List of Databases
Alphabetical List of Databases




Our Discovery service is "Seeker" (Ebsco Discovery Service). It is the first box on the library homepage.


Running a search in Seeker returns results from many of our subscribed databases (including all EBSCO databases), our catalog (Ex Libris Voyager), and local collections.  Limiters are arrayed vertically on the left; if a user wants to limit to the catalog, they need to apply "available in library collection" under Refine Your Results together with "books" and "ebooks" under Source Types. Users from off-campus will be asked to authenticate (login) with their last name and barcode (printed on their school IDs) if they want to view the full-text of results. 


We do not call this discovery service "EBSCO Discovery Service" with our patrons.  Use "Seeker."  


Off Campus Access

Instructions and Troubleshooting Guide 



Journal Holdings





200 Winston Ave. Baltimore, MD 21212
More Location Info: http://www.loyola.edu/library/directions.htm



Research Guides








Borrowing Policies

Books are checked out for 4 weeks and can be renewed twice. Holds may be placed on a book that is checked out. Books cannot be renewed if there is a hold on a book.

Media borrowing privileges can be found at: http://www.loyola.edu/library/mediadocs.htm

Faculty borrowing privileges can be found at: http://www.loyola.edu/library/Facultyinfo.htm



View Circulation Records

Patron must log into SHARC to view their record.




Renew Books

Patron must log into SHARC to renew books. 



Late Fees

A block is placed on circulation record if patron owes $75.00 or more in fines. 



Course Reserves


The library's e-reserves are now authenticated. For example, when clicking on course reserves in SHARC (and elsewhere), you will be prompted for your library barcode and last name when clicking on e-item. You will not have to authenticate after you have logged in to your patron account.



Inter-Library Loan

Books and Journal Articles: http://loyola.illiad.oclc.org/illiad/logon.html 


How to Cite

LNDL Citation Resources 

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