
University of Scranton

Page history last edited by Donna Witek 12 years, 7 months ago

University of Scranton VR Information




Library Home Page





Reference email for referrals: askalibrarian@scranton.edu
Reference: 570-941-4001
Circulation: 570-941-7524
All service points: http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/wml/staff.shtml




Online Public Catalog:

Other Library Catalogs:




Subject List of Databases
Alphabetical List of Databases




Our Discovery service is Encore Synergy (via Innovative Interfaces). We have built it into our Library home page as our basic search option and brand it as simply "Search the Catalog." Running a search in the "Search the Catalog" search box on the Library home page will take you to search results in Encore Synergy. The default "channel" (view) when you run a search in Encore is our books and local collection, but at the top of the Encore results screen is a link that says "Articles," which will run that same search in a handful of our databases. Users will be asked to authenticate if they click on the Articles channel. Our Classic catalog is still available to users who would like the advanced search options for our local collection, and the link included above on this policy page for Scranton under "Online Public Catalog," or the "Classic catalog" link within Encore, or the "Advanced search" link on the Library home page under the basic search box, will take you to the Classic catalog.


We do not call this discovery service "Encore" with our patrons, so using that term with Scranton patrons will be meaningless to them. 



Off Campus Access

To access the Library's electronic resources from off-campus, students, faculty and staff should log into My.Scranton.edu, and then click on the Library tab. This tab will include links to all parts of the Library, and as long as users click through this portal, they will be authenticated and should be able to access the Library's electronic resources from off-campus. Another option is for users to access the Library resources through the Library's home page, and when a database is clicked on they will be prompted to log into My.Scranton.edu; they should do so, and then they will be taken into the database.


If users cannot log into My.Scranton.edu and they are University of Scranton students, faculty or staff, they should contact the Technology Support Center at 570-941-HELP (570-941-4357) for assistance with their My.Scranton.edu login.



Journal Holdings





Weinberg Memorial Library
The University of Scranton
Scranton, PA 18510-4634

More location info: http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/wml/about/hours.shtml (at bottom of page)



Research Guides


(As of Fall 2012:








Borrowing Policies




View Circulation Records (My Account)




Renew Books (My Account)




Late Fees


Bound periodicals: Do not circulate.
Circulating items: $0.10 / day per book. Maximum $10.00.
Interlibrary Loan/PALCI items: $0.10 / day per book
Media: Circulates only to faculty for classroom use
Reserve items (items used in library): $1.00 / hour
Reserve items (items that circulate): $1.00 / day
Replacement: $70.00 / item
Laptops: $20.00 / first hour

* A library hold on transcripts will be placed at the Bursar's Office when items are long overdue and assumed lost.



Course Reserves



Electronic Reserves (ERes):




Inter-Library Loan

http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/wml/about/policies/borrowing-lending.shtml (scroll down to Interlibrary Loans)



How to Cite

The University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library refers students to the OWL at Purdue for citation help, which provides extensive online guides to the APA and MLA citation styles. They can be accessed at the following links:
APA: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
MLA: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

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